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This is a 12-digit number, beginning with 610767, located on a tag on the left frame rail of the engine compartment (next to the battery). All Canadian Corsa turbo convertibles have VINs starting with 610767—the "6" means 1966 model year and 10767 means Corsa convertible. The remaining six digits are the serial number and are unique to the car.

Body number

This is a six-digit number, preceded by the phrase "BODY NO.", located on second line of the body tag. This number indicated the car's place within the sequence of all Corvair car bodies built in Oshawa for the 1966 model year. Each type of car built by GM Canada had a unique range of numbers, corresponding to the invoice numbers for each job at the factory. Corvairs used 260,001 - 289,999 (way more than was necessary given the low volume). For comparison, Chevy II used 200,001 - 229,999; Chevelle, 230,001 - 259,999, and Buick, 400,001 - 429,999.


The five-digit model number (i.e., 10767 for Corsa convertible) is found on the top line of the body tag after the word "STYLE". It is redundant with the info taken from the VIN.


This is a series of three numbers, often separated by dashes. It appears after the model number on the "STYLE" line of the body tag. The first number denotes the shift, the second number denotes the month, and the third number denotes the day.

Top color

This is sometimes one, sometimes two, numbers preceded by the letters "TOP" or "TP". On some cars, this information is part of the "STYLE" section of the body tag between the model and build date information. On other cars, it appears with the options on the last line of the body tag.


This is a single letter, preceded by the word "PAINT", located on the third line of the body tag. This letter indicates the exterior color of the car. Three colors, Blue Charcoal (code B), Cypress Green (code J), and Plum Mist (code P) were not available on Chevrolets built in the U.S. in 1966. Three other colors, Provincial White (code C), Royal Mist (code E), and Laurel Mist (code H) are exactly the same as Ermine White, Danube Blue, and Willow Green for the U.S. market. (Note that the interior color of the car can usually be derived from knowing the exterior color and trim color. Contact me for more information.)


This is a three-digit number, preceded by the word "TRIM", located on the fourth line of the body tag. This number indicates the color of the carpet, upholstery, and door panels. All codes except 795 indicate a single color. Code 795 (Black & White) indicates black carpet but white door panels and upholstery.


Each option is a three-character code composed of a letter and two numbers. Please include only options from the body tag (found on the last line). Options on the body tag indicate work that had to be done to the shell on the body line before sending the car to the chassis line.

Built for Export

Cars which were built for export as fully-assembled units are denoted by EXLD, for EXport Left-hand Drive. This information is part of the "STYLE" line of the body tag between the model and build date information. Even though no Corvairs were built with right hand drive, Oshawa did build full-sized Chevrolets and Pontiacs with the right-hand drive configuration. Only 19 Corsa convertibles were exported in 1966.


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